Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Free fun rocks!

If you are not taking advantage of summer programming at your local library, you are missing out! Libraries offer amazing activities and entertainment, especially in the summer.
We are fortunate enough to be a part of the LA county library system (colapublib.org). Visit the site and search the events tab. We have 3 libraries near enough to participate in their activitites, which is awesome!
Today we attended a fabulous bilingual concert by Nathalia presented by the Quartz Hill library. Nathalia's music is engaging, entertaining, and will have you shaking your hips! We especially enjoyed "Shine" and "Crazy Train" and we were excited to pick up two of her CDs so we could continue the dance party in the car! Most songs include lyrics in both English and Spanish, which I'm hoping will help us improve some of our Spanish vocabulary while we dance! Many also include dance directives, like stomp, turn around, or wiggle, which adds to the fun! Nathalia is local to Santa Clarita, so I'll be following her Facebook page to keep track of opportunities to see her live again!

1 comment:

  1. Sadly I'm on the wrong side of the Atlantic, but this sounds awesome!
